Thursday, June 22, 2017

Outside Work is in Progress

With the inside of the house 95% done, we've starting tackling the outside.

A team of tree guys came last week and took out about ten big trees. They hauled most of the wood away, but we do have a giant stack saved to burn in the outside fireplace (see below).  Three trees were removed from the side yard, which used to be 100% shaded, with nothing growing.  We originally thought we'd just leave that alone, since it was so shady, but now it gets really nice afternoon sun.  Once (if) the greenhouse is built from all the old windows we removed, we might locate it there. One big tree that was beginning to die was taken out of the front yard, which Isabelle was rather sad about -- we had a swing attached to one of the branches.  But, we saved the swing and a new tree is being planted in July when the front yard gets re-landscaped.

Chopping up all the branches.  The truck got stuck in the yard so we have lovely, deep tire marks in the grass now.

The tree where the bucket is was removed, as well as the tall one to the left.  Where all the dirt is currently is where the new patio will be.

See the guy in the bucket? That tree, as well as the one to the right of him and the two in the fore ground all came out.  This was the side of the yard that was really dark and in full shade.

Working on some trees closer to the river.

We had landscape architects design a patio and fireplace area for us, but it was visible from the street so I reworked it to shift it behind the house more and make it two levels so it looks less like a giant area of pavers.  Joe wanted a fire pit, but I hate the smell of smoke on my clothes and knew if we had a fire pit, I'd never sit around it, whereas a fireplace diverts all the smoke above you, so we're going with that.  Construction of the patio starts in a few weeks.

Their original design.  The white is the house, the gray in the driveway.

My redesign. The patio is moved over so it is entirely behind the house (can't look down the driveway and see it). A retaining wall separates the dining area from the fireplace area and you walk down four or five steps to get from the upper to lower level. There is also a little herb garden next to the stairs on the dining level.

The painters are back as well, finishing up.  The whole back and one side of the house was never painted, only primed, so they're finishing up that as well as some small touch-ups they need to work on.